CPEC Project: A Conspiracy by Pakistan and China to Exploit Balochistan

Balochistan boasts of rich natural resources and since 1948, Pakistan has been looting, plundering and exploiting all the natural resources of Balochistan for its own benefits and now China too has joined in to exploit the country.  

Pakisan has also given away Balochistan’s land and resources to China for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The tragedy is that Pakistani mullahs, generals and terror outfits, who so loudly declare their (unsolicited) concern for Muslims everywhere, are sacrificing the Muslim Baloch people to the very same Chinese who are engaged in a systematic genocide of millions of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

CPEC Pakistan Exploit Balochistan
CPEC Project: A Conspiracy by Pakistan and China to Exploit Balochistan!

What is China-Pakistan Economic Corridor?
Aimed at expanding Chinese strategic influence in Asia; the CPEC is a multi-billion dollar project that involves a series of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Balochistan. The program involves a rail and road link from the Baloch town of Gwadar to the western city of Kashgar in China. Originally valued at $46 billion, the cost tag of the CPEC project is now worth $62 billion.

Gwadar Deep Sea Port – Becoming Minority in your Own Land!
The western route of the CPEC starts from the southwestern port city of Gwadar and passes through the heart of the Balochistan to Zhob.

The head of Gwadar's local fisherman association stated in an interview with the NBC News, "Development is good, China is our great friend, this CPEC thing sounds amazing, but don't forget that this is our land, first."

Thousands of Pakistanis are being brought into Gwadar district for work and majority of them are going to settle there permanently. No wonder, Baloch human rights activists have legitimate fear that the land in the Gwadar region will be acquired by the Pakistanis and the armed forces. This would eventually disrupt the demographic balance and the Balochis will become a minority in their own land.

The Project of Death and Destruction
Baloch nationalists and human rights activists have been strongly opposing the large-scale forced appropriation of Baloch land and resources in the guise of development projects by CPEC. For Balochi human rights activists, CPEC is nothing but a project of death and destruction and a "conspiracy" that is aimed at making ethnic Baloch people a minority in their own lands and ultimately losing control over rich, natural resources of Balochistan.

Naela Quadri Baloch Human Rights Activist
Naela Quadri Baloch, World Baloch Womens' Forum, questions Pakistan over selling Balochistan's land to China!

Baloch Activists Raise Concerns at the 39th Session of UN Human Rights Council
While interacting with the media at the Geneva Press Club during the 39th Session of UN Human Rights Council; many Baloch political activists and human rights activists have highlighted the increase in the number of atrocities committed by Pakistan after the sign-up of the multi-billion dollar CPEC deal.

Naela Quadri Baloch, who heads the World Baloch Womens' Forum, complained, "Who has given them the right to sell Balochistan to China. If we stood up against them and said that Balochistan was an occupied territory and Pakistan doesn't have any right to sell Gwadar port or any port of Balochistan for any mega project or any CPEC kind of destructive projects. What happened? I myself am a testimony. I got beaten up. A university professor got beaten up by the idiots of Pakistan army. I was jailed too. I was detained in the middle of the night at 1'o clock without any warrants, without any paperwork and was taken to cantonment police station."

She added, "Many times Pakistan has proved that they just need the land of Balochistan. They need our gold. They need our oil, they need our minerals, they need our deep sea ports to sell them to China, and they need our land for their proxy nuclear tests. They did Chinese nuclear tests on the soil of Balochistan; they exploded five nuclear bombs on the soil of Balochistan. There was no rain, there was drought and 90 per cent of wildlife died in Balochistan."

Dr. Wahid Baloch, the president of Balochistan National Congress (BNC), said in a statement; "Balochistan's resources belong to Baloch people and Pakistan and China have no right to loot, plunder and exploit Balochistan's resources against the will and consent of Baloch people.”

Turned into a Dump yard
Pakistan and China are not only plundering Balochistan of its resources and torturing dissenters, but they have also converted it into some dump yard where nuclear tests are being carried out arbitrarily without caring about the innocent lives of the Baloch people.

Dr. Wahid Baloch Balochistan National Congress
Dr. Wahid Baloch - Pakistan and China have no right to exploit Balochistan's resources.

The Conclusion – Let Balochistan Decide How to Use its Land & Resources

Balochistan existed in the world when Pakistan was not even formed!

Balochistan was always an independent state which was forcefully and unjustly occupied by the ruthless Pakistani army in the year 1948 and was annexed into Pakistan against the will and mandate of the Baloch people.

It is high time that the United Nations and the international community come forward to stop Pakistan and China from decimating Balochistan's resources. Balochistan's status has to be restored as an independent and free state; Pakistan and China have NO right to use its land and resources for the CPEC project.

Let the Baloch people decide how to use their natural resources and land for their own benefit and upliftment.
