India and Pakistan: 71 Years after Independence

Muslims were the rulers of this land, but they lost power to the British. They were then oppressed by both the British and the Hindus. Hindus and Muslims are like fire and water. Their lifestyles and belief systems are totally incompatible, so when the British were being driven out of India, Muslims said: 'We cannot be left at the mercy of the vile Hindu majority'. They said: 'We are two different nations and we need two separate countries'. Muslims were raped and killed by Hindus. They were driven out of their homes. Their babies were thrown in rivers of blood.
Allah Rakha, a teacher at a government-run school inside the historic Walled City of Lahore, Pakistan, teaching this official version of manipulated history to his captive and impressionable young audience.

And so, in all these years’ school-children in Pakistan are taught distorted facts that foster hatred, prejudice and intolerance towards Indians.

As India and Pakistan celebrated 71 years of independence from British rule earlier this month — on 14th and 15th August, respectively, what has been better? India or Pakistan?

The answer is simple.
India has made massive progress in all aspects as compared to Pakistan.

Five wars that Pakistan lost
Which country is more developed: India or Pakistan?

Here are some details provided to justify my answer:

India vs Pakistan Space Race
Rise of India in Space Technology

1. Space Exploration - Pakistan has already lost the space race. India can independently launch satellites and has 69 satellites in space. It has reached Mars even before more developed China, whereas Pakistan has only 3 satellites in space, launched decades ago.

Pakistan vs India: Crime & Terrorism
Pakistan is the 4th most terror affected country. India 7th

2. Crime and Terrorism - India and Indian cities has far better law and order situation than Pakistan. Pakistan is a hub of terrorism with its booming 'Jihadi' sector. As many as 139 Pakistanis feature in the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) updated list of people who are designated as ‘terrorists’.
2016 RankCountry2016 Score2015 Score2014 Score2013 Score2012 ScoreRegion
1Denmark9091929190Europe and Central Asia
1New Zealand9091919190Asia Pacific
3Finland8990898990Europe and Central Asia
4Sweden8889878988Europe and Central Asia
5Switzerland8686868586Europe and Central Asia
6Norway8588868685Europe and Central Asia
7Singapore8485848687Asia Pacific
8Netherlands8384838384Europe and Central Asia
10Germany8181797879Europe and Central Asia
10Luxembourg8185828080Europe and Central Asia
10United Kingdom8181787674Europe and Central Asia
13Australia7979808185Asia Pacific
14Iceland7879797882Europe and Central Asia
15Belgium7777767575Europe and Central Asia
15Hong Kong7775747577Asia Pacific
17Austria7576726969Europe and Central Asia
18United States7476747373Americas
19Ireland7375747269Europe and Central Asia
20Japan7275767474Asia Pacific
22Estonia7070696864Europe and Central Asia
23France6970697171Europe and Central Asia
24United Arab Emirates6670706968Middle East and North Africa
27Bhutan6565656363Asia Pacific
28Israel6461606160Middle East and North Africa
29Poland6263616058Europe and Central Asia
29Portugal6264636263Europe and Central Asia
31Qatar6171696868Middle East and North Africa
31Slovenia6160585761Europe and Central Asia
31Taiwan6162616161Asia Pacific
35Botswana6063636465Sub Saharan Africa
35Saint Lucia60N/A717171Americas
35Saint Vincent and the Grenadines60N/A626262Americas
38Cape Verde5955575860Sub Saharan Africa
38Lithuania5959585754Europe and Central Asia
41Brunei58N/AN/A6055Asia Pacific
41Costa Rica5855545354Americas
41Spain5858605965Europe and Central Asia
44Georgia5752524952Europe and Central Asia
44Latvia5756555349Europe and Central Asia
47Cyprus5561636366Europe and Central Asia
47Czech Republic5556514849Europe and Central Asia
47Malta5560555657Europe and Central Asia
50Mauritius5453545257Sub Saharan Africa
50Rwanda5454495353Sub Saharan Africa
52Korea (South)5354555556Asia Pacific
53Namibia5253494848Sub Saharan Africa
54Slovakia5151504746Europe and Central Asia
55Croatia4951484846Europe and Central Asia
55Malaysia4950525049Asia Pacific
57Hungary4851545455Europe and Central Asia
57Jordan4853494548Middle East and North Africa
57Romania4846434344Europe and Central Asia
60Italy4744434342Europe and Central Asia
62Sao Tome and Principe4642424242Sub Saharan Africa
62Saudi Arabia4652494644Middle East and North Africa
64Montenegro4544424441Europe and Central Asia
64Oman4545454747Middle East and North Africa
64Senegal4544434136Sub Saharan Africa
64South Africa4544444243Sub Saharan Africa
69Greece4446434036Europe and Central Asia
70Bahrain4351494851Middle East and North Africa
70Ghana4347484645Sub Saharan Africa
72Burkina Faso4238383838Sub Saharan Africa
72Serbia4240414239Europe and Central Asia
72Solomon Islands42N/AN/AN/AN/AAsia Pacific
75Bulgaria4141434141Europe and Central Asia
75Kuwait4149444344Middle East and North Africa
75Tunisia4138404141Middle East and North Africa
75Turkey4142455049Europe and Central Asia
79Belarus4032312931Europe and Central Asia
79China4037364039Asia Pacific
79India4038383636Asia Pacific
83Albania3936333133Europe and Central Asia
83Bosnia and Herzegovina3938394242Europe and Central Asia
83Lesotho3944494945Sub Saharan Africa
87Mongolia3839393836Asia Pacific
87Zambia3838383837Sub Saharan Africa
90Indonesia3736343232Asia Pacific
90Liberia3737373841Sub Saharan Africa
90Morocco3736393737Middle East and North Africa
90The FYR of Macedonia3742454443Europe and Central Asia
95Benin3637393636Sub Saharan Africa
95El Salvador3639393838Americas
95Kosovo3633333334Europe and Central Asia
95Maldives36N/AN/AN/AN/AAsia Pacific
95Sri Lanka3637383740Asia Pacific
101Gabon3534373435Sub Saharan Africa
101Niger3534353433Sub Saharan Africa
101Philippines3535383634Asia Pacific
101Thailand3538383537Asia Pacific
101Timor-Leste3528283033Asia Pacific
101Trinidad and Tobago3539383839Americas
108Algeria3436363634Middle East and North Africa
108Côte d´Ivoire3432322729Sub Saharan Africa
108Egypt3436373232Middle East and North Africa
108Ethiopia3433333333Sub Saharan Africa
113Armenia3335373634Europe and Central Asia
113Vietnam3331313131Asia Pacific
116Mali3235322834Sub Saharan Africa
116Pakistan3230292827Asia Pacific
116Tanzania3230313335Sub Saharan Africa
116Togo3232292930Sub Saharan Africa
120Dominican Republic3133322932Americas
120Malawi3131333737Sub Saharan Africa
123Azerbaijan3029292827Europe and Central Asia
123Djibouti3034343636Sub Saharan Africa
123Laos3025252621Asia Pacific
123Moldova3033353536Europe and Central Asia
123Sierra Leone3029313031Sub Saharan Africa
131Iran2927272528Middle East and North Africa
131Kazakhstan2928292628Europe and Central Asia
131Nepal2927293127Asia Pacific
131Russia2929272828Europe and Central Asia
131Ukraine2927262526Europe and Central Asia
136Kyrgyzstan2828272424Europe and Central Asia
136Lebanon2828272830Middle East and North Africa
136Myanmar2822212115Asia Pacific
136Nigeria2826272527Sub Saharan Africa
136Papua New Guinea2825252525Asia Pacific
142Guinea2725252424Sub Saharan Africa
142Mauritania2731303031Middle East and North Africa
142Mozambique2731313031Sub Saharan Africa
145Bangladesh2625252726Asia Pacific
145Cameroon2627272526Sub Saharan Africa
145Gambia2628292834Sub Saharan Africa
145Kenya2625252727Sub Saharan Africa
145Madagascar2628282832Sub Saharan Africa
151Tajikistan2526232222Europe and Central Asia
151Uganda2525262629Sub Saharan Africa
153Comoros2426262828Sub Saharan Africa
154Turkmenistan2218171717Europe and Central Asia
154Zimbabwe2221212120Sub Saharan Africa
156Cambodia2121212022Asia Pacific
156Democratic Republic of Congo2122222221Sub Saharan Africa
156Uzbekistan2119181717Europe and Central Asia
159Burundi2021202119Sub Saharan Africa
159Central African Republic2024242526Sub Saharan Africa
159Chad2022221919Sub Saharan Africa
159Republic of Congo2023232226Sub Saharan Africa
164Angola1815192322Sub Saharan Africa
164Eritrea1818182025Sub Saharan Africa
166Iraq1716161618Middle East and North Africa
168Guinea-Bissau1617191925Sub Saharan Africa
169Afghanistan15111288Asia Pacific
170Libya1416181521Middle East and North Africa
170Sudan1412111113Middle East and North Africa
170Yemen1418191823Middle East and North Africa
173Syria1318201726Middle East and North Africa
174Korea (North)128888Asia Pacific
175South Sudan11151514N/ASub Saharan Africa
176Somalia108888Sub Saharan Africa
2016 RankCountry2016 Score2015 Score2014 Score2013 Score2012 ScoreRegion
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3. Corruption - India ranks 81st in the global corruption perception index whereas Pakistan ranks at the 117th place out of 180 countries. The corruption in Pakistan is widespread since it came into being. The country is just a puppet in the hands of the military. In 2017, Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was declared disqualified to hold office for life by the Supreme Court of Pakistan following corruption charges against him.
Religious persecution is growing under Pakistan's outdated blasphemy laws. Religious murders
based on blasphemy are tolerated by the judiciary. Besides, Pakistan's growing discrimination
against Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and ethnic minorities is well known. Pakistan is known to have killed hundreds and thousands of people, it calls its citizens, in Balochistan, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), Gilgit-Baltistan and Sindh. The media in Pakistan is fearful of the army control.

 4. Education - Indian education system is any day far better than the Mullah led Madrasa education
of Pakistan that radicalise impoverished Pakistani youth. Pakistani text books and syllabus contain
manipulated lessons that foster intolerance of Indians and Hindus in particular. Their textbooks
serve as a tool for brainwashing young minds rather than educating them.
On the other hand, India, with literacy rate of 74% (2011 census) is far ahead of Pakistan that has
58% literacy rate (2010 census). India produces as many PhD holders in a year that Pakistan has
produced in the last 20 years.
5. Health – The Indian health care system scores over Pakistan in terms of quality treatment and
world class services. The fact that a large number of patients from Pakistan travel to India to get
treatment is self-explanatory. According to the 2015 Grant Thornton report, the medical tourism
industry in India is worth $3 billion and it is expected to reach $8 billion by 2020.

India vs Pakistan: Economy
India's Economic Growth
6. Economy - India with 7 times more population than Pakistan is an Economic superpower. It has both better and 9 times bigger economy than Pakistan. India’s growth rate is 7.3% as compared to 4.7% of Pakistan’s. An average Indian earns 25% more income than average Pakistani.

What needs to be noted is that at the time of Independence, Pakistan was richer than India with more natural resources and three times lesser population than India. It was meant to be the Homeland for the Muslims. It was a Chosen Nation for the Chosen People. With Pakistan being a homeland for the Muslims the rest of the population fled to India, making it an overpopulated ‘Democracy’.

In 1950, Pakistan’s per capita income ($643) was higher than India’s ($619). But being just a puppet of the giant terrorist sympathizer army, Pakistan is moving backwards instead.

On the other hand, India has come a far way since Independence, though there is still scope for improvement. It definitely has its own issues but it truly owns them. The government is willing to discuss openly and tackle the sanitation problem. That's the key difference between the two nations.

Pakistan is a failed state not just because it is a terrorism hub. It is a failed state because it has failed its citizens across economic and social parameters. With the movement for an independent Balochistan and Sindh trying to break away from Pakistan remains strong and a lawless Karachi that is being partially tamed by the Pakistani Rangers’, Jinnah’s Pakistan is collapsing.


  1. Nice article. The updates census says 83% educated population and more than 98% of school enrollment in India. We in India are still very unsatisfied with the growth and optimistic about a much rapid grow. Pakistan needs to come out of its religious mindset, and focus on more liberal and growth oriented society. I am sure Pakistan has a lot of potential. Love from 🇮🇳


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